AFTER 2 MONTHS I noticed that I had stronger hair and nails, which became whiter! I was on a 80% right diet with occasional splurges on cheese (I chose goat as it is lower in protein. In allergies, it is the proteins that we cannot digest).
IN 3RD MONTH (as soon as I started taking probiotics and stopped eating all irritating foods) I noticed the eczema rash vanishing for the first time! This is also when I learned that I was allergic to tomatoes and vinegars.
Eczema remained only around my fingers, but it completely vanished from both sides of my palms! Itching happened only if I unknowingly ate a food that I was allergic to (or it contained traces of it - like citrus and tomato). My body was extremely sensitive!
IN 4TH MONTH my skin is 90% completely renewed and eczema free!!! Even the skin on my index finger which used to be all ruined and lost it's sense of feeling, even that skin got renewed and the feeling returned!!!! Only skin around my fingers is still a bit dry and sensitive, BUT NO SIGN OF ECZEMA! That is so amazing - the power of food - the right food for me is so wonderful!!! I am loving my hands now!
IN 5TH MONTH. I had a tomato and had no reaction! I learned that my body is able to digest small amounts of tomatoes without allergic reactions. Eczema is still gone and I am doing great! I am finding natural, raw vegan substitutes for desserts and learning how to prepare them. Yes, I still struggle from time to time when I see what other people have on their plates, but my will is strong. I know the pain that that kind of food caused me (physically and emotionally) and knowledge of that pain motivated me to stay on my Healthy Path. I am so glad.
I developed a motto: If it takes 1-5 min to eat and enjoy something and it will then take a whole day of eczema agony (scratching my skin off), then it is not worth it!
When I began to eat basically 99% raw vegan foods, my body got enough energy to begin to "clean the house".I got typical symptoms of "healing crisis", when the old toxins that were inside my organs and tissues begin to be flushed away, often through the skin.
Dr Stanley Bass N.D.D.C.PhD says >>When the quality of food coming into the body is of higher quality than the tissue that the body is made of, the body begins to discard the lower grade materials and tissues and makes room for the superior materials that make new and healthier tissue.<<
The symptoms I got were: hives all over my torso, eczema on a couple of fingers, terrible tiredness, occasional sweat chills and constipation.
I read that this process can take months and I knew how to speed it up. I began to study lectures by Charlotte Gerson (see the upper page Holistic Doctors) and knew I needed to start doing coffee enemas! Coffee enemas are a great help in detoxification, for the caffeine in the rectum stimulates the liver to release a lot of bile. The toxins that liver held inside itself are released in that bile. The bile is flushed into the colon, so daily coffee enemas are needed in order to keep eliminating the toxins and preventing them from being reabsorbed into the blood stream.

Another thing that is flushed out with the toxic bile are some nutrients. Those we must replenish with 2-3 glasses of vegetable juices per 1 coffee enema! If we do not do that part we can become anemic!
Before you begin this cleanse, you m u s t educate yourself on the details of it (what kind of coffee to use what kind not to use, how to administer it, what to expect etc)
It is very important that we know exactly what we are doing! Here is Charlotte Gerson's lecture on coffee enemas and detoxification. Her father, Max Gerson began using coffee enemas in his practice with great results. He is the one who spent his life researching the process of detoxification and juicing!
MY 'Speedy' DETOX:
I purchased Omega 8005 juicer (see a demo link to your right) and began juicing 2-3x a day and doing 1 coffee enema a day for 3 months! My healing crisis symptoms went away very quickly.
During this time I released a lot of toxins:
- old mucus from my colon walls,
- orange sulfur from liver (sulfur is from antibiotics which I took a decent share in my life)
- and even a few liver stones!!!!
After 3 months I felt it was enough and resumed 1 coffee enema per week for another 2 months until I felt i was done. So in a rough sense I had 6 months of detoxification under my belt and after that time I was in a new cycle with 0 detox symptoms of any kind! Finally! :-)
based on my later research you do not have to do what I have done in order to detoxify. You can get there without coffee enemas. You may have more external detox symptoms, but you will go through them nonetheless (see Donia Alawi's story).
You can also do fruit fast with green juices. I would actually recommend unless you feel attracted to do what I have done. Fruit fasting is amazing as fruits are super hydrating, have a lot of energy, nutrients and are excellent cleansers. It is easier to fill up on fruits than salads. You can eat them, you can make fruit smoothies, fruits with greens smoothies, etc.
It is far more enjoyable and beneficial to do this than try to eat salads all day. Just add at least one green juice or smoothie a day. You can have salad too (use orange + lemon for dressing or if allergic, use mango+cucumber or mango+celery) but without starchy vegetables as they do not mix well with fruit. Use tomato on your salad and sprouts.
Juicing made a huge difference in my health:
- the whites on my nails went away (I could never eat enough greens to achieve that),
- my energy increased dramatically,
- I got color in my cheeks
- I began jogging again (I have not done that in years)!
- I sleep 5-6 hours now and feel completely rested
- I look and feel lighter and healthier
This is also the most important part in alkalizing the body, giving it a lot of nutrients! Charlotte Gerson speaks on juicing as well, so I recommend that you follow her steps.
It has been over a year and a half since I first changed my diet. I went from 75% raw vegan to 99% raw vegan and back to 75% raw vegan. This ratio changes based on my lifestyle and what is possible for me at a moment. But juicing is the main part of my diet, without juicing my body would not receive nearly enough nutrients! I do NOT take any vitamin pills since I find them useless! The only nutrients that are compatible with my body are natural, organic, in their natural state.
Whole is always better than the parts!
Wishing you eczema free life! kb